I do a lot of writing. Most of it is emotional or reactionary and almost none of it is shared. While this has not been a problem in the past (for obvious reasons), it is time that I come out of my shell and and start publishing ideas. Once a week should be an attainable goal, an exercise in discipline and an opportunity to share and learn.
Once upon a time, this was not possible. If a person wanted to be published, he or she would have to submit letters to the editor, write for a local or obscure publication or beg to have their book published. These times have changed. Today, even a small time opinionist can become a nationally recognized writer whose commentary is trusted and respected.
My goal in writing a blog is not to be recognized nationally or to establish myself as a brand or to influence the ideas and perceptions of some imaginary reader base. Instead, I simply seek a medium greater than my own mind, where my thoughts can go unleashed.
I hope that if you're reading this, you click away from it as a better person or at least less bored. Thanks for stopping in.